For more than 30 years, RH Price has been the professional construction and service team governments and utility companies trust.

icon_widget_image Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm; Saturday: 10am to 2pm icon_widget_image 5226 Beatties Ford Rd. Charlotte, NC 28216 icon_widget_image icon_widget_image 704-395-0672
moving large pipe on o construction site

About Us

Family Owned Local Business — Since 1987​


As a family owned and operated business since 1987, RH Price operates with an overarching spirit of personal responsibility. 

We take pride in the work we do, which means we take ownership of the decisions we make on each and every step of a project.

We also believe in hands-on leadership and teamwork that recognizes the value of each and every member of the project team – not only from those of us who work with RH Price, but also contributors from our clients’ teams, regulatory agencies and authorities, and other partner service providers who may work alongside us on various tasks.

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Unlimited Contractor's License - State of North Carolina